Friday, December 30, 2005

and the final score is...

Miami 3/ LSU 40

I think that is all I have to say! Oh wait....

Geaux Tigers!

I'm Baaaaack...

So we have scored a field goal. The game is now tied. There is something very ironic about this game that I just figured out. I will write just one sentence. LSU is playing the Hurricanes. I think with all that Baton Rouge went through they should have put another team in to play LSU. On the flip side you would think we would want to kick the tushies of the hurricanes after everything they (the real ones) did to Louisiana this year. Something to think about.'

Next thing...I have found the job I want. You know the guy that stands next to the upright and signals a field goal. That is a job I think I would be great at. I would only work weekends pretty much and I could just stand there and put my arms in the air. I wonder what that job pays. I guess I will have to look into it.

Gosh I had something else I wanted to write about this evening, but I cannot remember what it was. I am now pretty impressed with Matt Flynn. He is not afraid to run when he doesn't have someone open. OH MY GOODNESS WE JUST SCORED A TOUCHDOWN. Can someone tell me why we did not go with Flynn to begin with. Also Matty you need to remember you hold the ball during the kick. Stop running off the field.

So now to put the readers on the spot...When is someone going to come and visit us. I know Mom is coming this month, but that leaves 11 months more in the year. I would like to schedule some visits from people. So here are the dates that Marie has a holiday:
Spring Break #1: March 13-17
Spring Break #2: April 14-21
School gets out on May 25th. We have two spring breaks this year because the second time off is Good Friday/Easter along with the Catholic teachers conference. I would like if one of these times is the same as my sisters break to come down and clean sweep her two spare bedrooms and decorate for the baby. That is if she wants me to come down. She will have to let us know if either week is the same and then I will need some Austin family to be willing to play with Marie while I clean! So just let me know. Also Carmen I need to know if you want me to paint the baby furniture that we bought a few years ago in anticipation of us having another baby. If you want to use them and we don't get pregnant in the next few months let me know.
Ok I will go back to playing on my computer and let anyone that made it this far stop reading. Hopefully LSU will be able to hold on and win this game. Keep your fingers crossed. Here are some more pictures of Marie for your entertainment. Love to all.

I feel like some peach cobbler...

Greeting all who are reading. Not really sure who other than my mom read on a regular basis but welcome to all and welcome back mom. I am sitting here getting ready to watch the Chick-fil-A peach bowl and I could really go for some Chick-fil-A right about now. Some peach cobbler also, but alas I will make due with the pizza we ordered. Too bad you can't get peach on pizza. I will make due with the pineapple I ordered. The reason I am not talking details about the game is because I am a little nervous about the game. We have our back up quarterback in the game and this would be his first ever game to start. Luckily the first kick was out of bounds so we get ok field position to start. Please oh please do well Matt Flynn and DON'T throw any interceptions. Ok I feel a little better because Matt's first play got almost a first down. Ok off football no wait he did a pretty pass. Oh my gosh can you see that I am a girl. Next thing you know I will start discussing the clothes. Well Miami is wearing a beautiful orange shirt to match the theme of the evening, Peaches, while LSU is wearing their white jerseys which are just going to get dirty. OH MY GOODNESS!

Marie is doing good. She is being loud and full of energy. I cannot believe she starts back to school on Monday. We drove around the block yesterday and she is doing much better. About half way around the block she told me that the driving hurts her shoulder. I also got my foot run over. Imagine if it was a real car and she ran over my foot. Wow, JJ is SO teaching her how to drive. (yes JJ you are doing it!) Times like this really make me miss my powpow who taught me how to drive. If he were still alive I could just ship her off and when my car came back it would be nice and clean and shiny from armor all. Hmmmmmm maybe my dad should teach her how. He will be teaching Vanessa so he could just do both at the same time. I really like that idea and I know JJ would LOVE that idea.

Ok back to how I got my foot run over. There is this stupid little truck that parks over the sidewalk. There is no way for us to just run over the grass at their house so we have to go out in the street. So I stand in the street so she has to turn the wheel and not go very far in the street. Well we (meaning Marie) cannot figure out how to exit the side walk and turn the wheel quickly so as not to go straight at me! So as she is about to hit me she turns the wheel and instead runs over my foot. I was not a happy camper! That was our last time around the block yesterday and the last time I am taking her around the block by ourselves!

Football update...Miami just scored a field goal in the first quarter. There is something to be said about wearing the color of the fruit of the game.

Ok I must break now and eat, but I am sure I will be back with some more useless information soon. Love to all!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

All I want for Christmas Next Year is....

I have fallen in love with one of Marie's Christmas presents. She got color wonder markers and I just love them. I will be going out to purchase my own so I don't have to share! I just thought I would let everyone know about my new addiction. I spent more time on Christmas day coloring than Marie did. She also got the color wonder finger paints and for those parents reading this I have to give my mixed opinion about them. First off we are already out of the paints. The are very oily and while they don't get color all over everything they do get an oily substance all over. Marie used all of them on about two pictures. Also the colors are not very pretty. The red looks more like a brick color and the other colors are pretty dull. So waste of money in my opinion. I do however like the fact that I have no paints anywhere in my house, but I just won't buy any paints instead of buying the color wonder ones. I will however always buy the markers. I just love how you can't get colors out of the lines so even if you are not a perfect artist you can't tell.

Well we are getting ready for the new year around here. I am going to start taking down the tree and the rest of the decorations tonight. When JJ is off on Friday we are going to try and take down the outside lights. It is about time to go back to normal seeing how Marie goes back to school on Monday. Not much of a break, but also not enough time for her to get bored with things. She is still enjoying all of her toys she got for Christmas. I am not enjoying all the new stuff to clean up, but we are working on finding places for everything. Hopefully we will get it figured out real soon.

Not much more around here so I will close unless something big happens in the next few minutes. Oh Marie is getting better at driving her car so hopefully soon we won't be spending more time on the grass than on the sidewalk. I will keep everyone posted. Love to all.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Thanks!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the gifts we received this Christmas. We are very lucky to have such a generous family. Marie played with her toys all day while JJ and I got some well deserved rest. Santa brought her a barbie Jeep, courtesy of a guy who works in JJ's office, so we had to spend some time outside learning to drive. Most all of our neighbors have little wheel marks in their yards! I am sure eventually she will get the hang of it and if not she can practice until she is 16! I think she had a great time driving along and would be much better if she would pay attention to driving and not playing with the gadgets in the car. A quote I heard a few times was "Marie put the phone down and drive" I think JJ's favorite gift is his slippers since he has had them on the entire day. They are slippers with little flashlights on the toes that light up when he goes into the dark. They are really cool. I just don't think I can even decide which is my favorite gift. I got such cool stuff, but especially love my ipod docking station. (Thanks Kiki!) So again thanks to everyone and we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Love to all!
Oh and Maple did not wait for her gift to be taken off the cardboard before she started!

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Yes we are still up. We finished putting together toys and are about to hit the bed. We have Marie sleeping in the middle of us so she can't get up before we do.

So enjoy your day and rejoice Christ is born today! We love you all!

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Sweetest Story Ever Told

I have to say a huge thank you to the Ezell family for the gift they brought over to the house. I have to share this with everyone because it really helps you realize what this season is really about. Anyway Dana brought us a plate of cookies with a card.

The front of the card has a picture of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in the manger. It says Did you know the story of Jesus is the sweetest story ever told? Enjoy the cookies and the story they tell.

The inside had the following story.
An angel brought the glorious news to the shepherds that a Savior had been born.
Wise men followed a bright star to the manger where Jesus lay.
They brought precious gifts much like the gifts we have under our tree.
The best gift of all that day was Jesus. God sent His only Son that whoever accepts Him into their heart will have life everlasting and go to heaven.
Let the bells ring out this holiday season as we celebrate Jesus' birthday and God's greatest gift to us.

Ok so on the plate of cookies there was an angel, star, Christmas tree, heart, and bells. I just think it is such a great present to give to someone this holiday season. I just had to share this with everyone. Thanks again Dana!

Note on my last post: I realized tonight that my Christmas tree and tree skirt are Martha Stewart. Not sure what I am really going to do about keeping them. I think I will have to keep them because our tree is so cool. It rotates! I will have to think on this for a while.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I have an announcement to make...

No I am not pregnant. If you want that news please visit my sisters blog! So my big announcement is (you might need to sit down for this) I am no longer obsessed with Martha Stewart.

I guess I need to give a little history to my obsession and how it has come to pass. First off I have always wanted to be Martha Stewart, work for her, and have every product she makes. I would even be willing to go to jail with her if I could come out looking so good. (Not really, but follow the strength of my obsession) Ok so I think she is great. However things started to change when she no longer had control over MSLO. Her magazine articles became boring and not as glamorous as they used to be. The ideas where no longer on the cutting edge and no longer set the trends they used to set. I have also found she has diversified so much that the reason I love her (GREAT ideas, beautiful books and magazines, and did I say great ideas!) well there was nothing to grab on to.

Unlike most I find the stuff she did very easy to duplicate and loved the results. I do in fact enjoy dipping pumpkins in glue and rolling them in glitter to make center pieces. (Haven't gotten around to doing this, but I still have time) I still have one of my first projects I copied and it is on our door every Christmas. (I made a wreath out of bells!)

Ok so I cancelled my subscription to the magazine. As I said it was getting boring and after something like 10 years I could not get them to change my name from Mr. Jamie to anything else! I don't even miss getting it which really surprised me. I also used to be able to spend hours on her website, but no longer. Then tonight happened....

I have been following her show, Martha Stewart Apprentice, religiously. I was so jealous that I did not get to compete, but that is Martha's loss. For those of you who did not follow, it came down to Dawna and Bethenny. Dawna is the corporate type who in my opinion does not have a creative bone in her body. Bethenny however is very creative. She is a little high strung, but her ideas were always so creative. I can also be a little high strung so I can totally relate. Until recently when I thought of Martha Stewart I thought of new ideas and trends in homemaking. So I thought for sure Bethenny would be a great pick to start bringing her back to her creative side. Well I guess I was wrong. She chose Dawna. Then to top it off she announces another new venture. A new magazine something like body and soul or some crazy nonsense like that. Well Dawna is the perfect person for that venture, but how can Martha add another thing to her line when I feel like she is forgetting about her true fans who have tried to stay with her, but can't seem to find anything to grab on to anymore.

Oh wow I am so upset and disillusioned. Someone I considered an idol has really over the past few months let me down. I really relied upon her for some of my creativity and loved when people called me a young Martha Stewart. Now however I do not want anyone to tell me I am being Martha Stewart like. I am actually considering getting rid of my Martha Stewart label maker. Probably not because it is so pretty.

So now I am in search of a new creative icon. I know I should become one, but I would have to get a following and would have to start a magazine or some sort and am not sure where to start with that. So I guess any ideas would be great!

Luckily I do have a new magazine that I can curl up with called Real Simple. Nothing like Martha creative wise, but I do get good ideas for shopping from it. I should probably no longer read it because I always want everything and that can't be good. I just don't know what to do. Oh what to do and where to go........

Other than that nothing more is going on around here. I just got back from Austin for my Granny's birthday party. It was so nice to see everyone there, but it made me wish we lived closer so we all could have gone. I was a little upset that I missed seeing my father who came in on Tuesday and I left Monday. Perhaps if he told me he would be in town I might have stayed. Hint hint Dad stay in touch! (I still love you!) We are in the process of getting ready for Christmas. Marie is very excited about Santa coming and I am ready to open my presents! I have some cleaning to do tomorrow and then JJ is off on Friday. We are going to get some steaks because that is what we are doing for Christmas this year. I felt like doing something different because with only the three of us there was no need for tons of food. I have not decided which Mass to go to this year, but will figure that out tomorrow. Well my hair is wet and I need to dry it. Love to all and I will post again soon. Sorry I don't have any pictures. I am just too upset......

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Wish List Updated

Ok. Everyone is being so good to us this year that I have to update Marie's Christmas wish list. The only things left on the list are the following...

Leapster Electronic Book Finding Nemo - $19.99
Leapster Recharging Kit - $29.99
Fisher Price Star Station - 49.99
Polly Pocket Pet Friends Gift Set
Leapster Software: Sponge Bob Square Pants
Polly Pocket Rock n Roller Coaster Hotel

I hate to even say this, but just about all of these things are sold out online and most are even gone from the stores. I guess Marie knows how to pick the popular toys this season.

Now I have had some questions about what else I want. So here are some more things.

Creative Memories
Galaxy Micro Maker - $8.00
Mini Circle Maker - $16.00
Borderlines Pattern 'n letter ruler - $6.50
Tape Runner Refills - $4.75 (I can use tons of these)
Rainbow Fine Tip Pens - $10.60
Pastel Fine Tip Pens - $10.60
Journaling Mate Case - $8.50
Shades of Black and White Paper - $6.00
Memory Mate Case - $12.00

Burberry Scarf (Long one)
Burberry Blanket (I wish)

Ok I feel as if I need to explain why I want creative memories items when I am a Stampin' Up consultant. I LOVE stampin up for making cards and gifts, but with this new catalog I feel like they have drastically reduced their line of scrapbooking supplies. I am also not happy with the albums they have currently. I have also been running through the markers at such a high rate. When they changed to the new markers I have found the brush tip is not holding up and also I am running out of ink a LOT faster. For example I have had my markers for something like three years. Well obviously they are starting to run out which by the way it is amazing they have lasted so long. I purchased all new bold brights about 6 months ago. I have already had to replace the real red. So the short end of it is I have separate stuff for my card making and my scrapbooking. Except of course my stamps. NOBODY will ever make a better stamp, stamp pad, or matching colors than Stampin' Up. I am still VERY loyal to their original line which is card making supplies. They are the best company in the world for card making supplies which is my first love. Until Stampin' Up expands their scrapbook line I have to look for other suppliers. I don't think Stampin' Up will expand because it does not make good business sense.

Ok now that I have given my commercial for how GREAT stampin up is for card making supplies I think I will get going for tonight. I need to get on to sleep because we have church tomorrow and then we have to clean because we have company coming tomorrow night. Hopefully Richie and Michele will be able to stay more than just overnight! Love to everyone and thanks to everyone for being so generous this season.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

All I have to say is...

it snowed. I thought we were over this when we moved from Ohio to Oklahoma. Mind you it was not as bad as Ohio but still. I thought I moved to the South. I guess this proves yet again that the real south does not start until you hit Texas!

FYI: Current Temperature 16. Feels like ZERO!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Lights

I guess since we are not having company this Christmas (and since my sister posted on her blog) I should post pictures of our Christmas decorations. JJ did a wonderful job this year. Last year in case anyone remembers he was in Alabama so the decorations were less than stellar because I put them up. He borrowed our neighbors extension ladder and was able to get the top peak of the house. We let Marie pick out which two buddies we would put in the front yard and then the rest was just put together from stuff I got on sale last year. We are very happy with what we did and will probably add something else after Christmas this year as we always do. It was JJ's idea to put the red and green lights in the porch lights and if he had his way and we had tons of money he would have put red and green lights in all of our spot lights and walkway lights. So I hope everyone enjoys the lights as much as we have enjoyed them already! Love to all!