Monday, September 25, 2006

Third Interview...

Just wanted to let everyone know that JJ has been asked to do a third interview with Google! It will be another phone interview and should take place within the next two weeks. We are SO excited! Please pray that this one goes as great as his other two.

Everything else is going great around here. Love to all!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What to say...

Well it has been over a month since my last update and so much has happened I do not even know where to begin. I guess I will just start with the good stuff.

Marie performed at Texas Stadium on the 31st. I was actually scared that when she got there and saw how big it was and how many people were watching that she would get scared and not want to do it. Well she went off and went through the tunnel and did her dance. She was of course excellent. We had a great time at the game. Our friend Kelly from here and Norman and her boyfriend came to the game as did our old across the street neighbors. They moved to Dallas over Christmas so it was nice to see them again at the game. We had a great time and Marie danced and cheered the entire game. Now the game went into overtime because it was a tie so we stayed. If someone had told me that if neither team scored they would leave a preseason game in a tie we would have left earlier. So need-less-to-say we stayed a really long time for a game to end in a tie! Oh well we had a great time.

Marie is enjoying kindergarten. She does not like the homework, but is working through this. She has been promoted in gymnastics which means we go to class twice a week for two hours instead of twice a week for one hour. Now at least I can go and do something while she is at the gym, but she is really tired when we get home. We are also still doing ballet, tap, and jazz, but I think she wants to quit pom class. I don't really mind if she quits because it is on Friday afternoons and we are just all really tired come Friday afternoon. If it were any other day we would probably stay in, but I am not going to push.

I am busy working hard. They are keeping me busy substitute teaching. I have spent all of my time in the middle school which I like much more than the elementary. There are some kids that I want to just strangle, but overall they are a good bunch. I had a little scare for a few weeks that now that it has passed I will share. I had a mamogram two weeks ago and they found something that looked abnormal. It had not been there six months before when I had a mammogram so they wanted to investigate. Well I had a biopsy on Friday and got the results on Saturday. Praise God it is only calcified scar tissue. It was a difficult few weeks, but we worked through it and are so thankful for the good results.

Well I guess I have saved the biggest news for last. JJ has decided to get out of the Air Force. The Air Force is trying to reduce the number of people in so they are offering an incentive plan to get out. Well we considered it for a very long time and decided it was our time to get out. He has turned in all the paperwork and gotten about a million signatures (not really!) and we are just waiting on the final OK. He has requested to get out next September. So we still have a while to figure out what we are going to do. With all of his vacation time he has saved up he will actually be starting his vacation at the beginning of July. That way hopefully he will have another job lined up and we will pull in two salaries for a few months! So now we are looking for him a new job. We would like to move to Texas or Louisiana to be closer to family, but would love to stay here also. Overall we are just going to go where God gives us work. We really believe God is directing us on our new journey. JJ had a phone interview on Wednesday with Google. He has his next phone interview tomorrow I believe. If he passes this interview there is one last phone interview before they fly him to New York. Google would be such a fun place for him to work so please keep him in your prayers. Also if he works at Google I want to get a job there also. We just LOVE google.

Well I think that is all I have to report. I have to start getting ready to sub in literature. I will be there for the rest of the week. I hope everyone is doing well. Love to all.