Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jamie Needs a Break!!

Ok I am in serious need of a break so I will type out my frustrations! It has been 24 days since my last message and that is because honestly I do not think I have stopped since then.

First and best news of all I have a nephew named Edward William. He was born on Good Friday, April 6th. He was 7 pounds 12 ounces. My sister went through so much to bring this little boy into the world, but what an angel he is! Marie and I got down there on Thursday. They had already been to the hospital early that morning after having a night of labor. Unfortunately they did not have a very nice or caring nurse and she sent them home. We spent Thursday evening walking my sister as I like to put it around the blocks. We had pizza and went to bed. I was positive that they would have me up in the middle of the night rushing to the hospital. The next morning after a horrible night for them they went back to the hospital.
An angel seemed to be on duty that morning because they were admitted to the hospital. Marie and I went up to the hospital around lunch time and she was still in labor and in a lot of pain. She got the epidural and was finally resting a little. Baby Eddie however was doing something with his cord because every time Carmen changed positions Eddie's heart rate dropped dramatically. A cesarean was finally done and little Eddie made his way into the world.

How did Marie respond to this little one you may be asking?! Not so good in the beginning, but by Sunday she seemed to have warmed up to him. You see her Kiki and Uncle Eddie are her two favorite people next to JJ and I and for once she did not have their undivided attention. That was a lot for a 6 year old to understand. Plus with the other stuff that as a reader you know about it was a VERY difficult trip.

We stayed until Monday and got to see Eddie come home from the hospital and then we made our way back here to Norman to get back to our normal life.

Normal life?! Ha!!!! Today is the half way point of the thing that is going on in my life. IS IT ONLY HALF WAY OVER?! From the way I feel it has gone on for months and months and months. We did great in the beginning, but now OH MY GOODNESS!! Everything is a challenge. Just getting her up in the morning is like pulling teeth. I had to use every ounce of my strength during homework tonight not to jump off the deep end. I finally did loose it when she was working on her sight words and let me preface by saying WE KNOW our sight words. She looked at the word "into" and said she had never seen it before. Mind you not five minutes earlier she had read it in her book. Out of the 30 or so sight words she must know by the middle of next month she was able to say 3 of them. 3 OF THEM!!! At one point not so far in the past we knew them all. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Perhaps I expect too much out of her, but I don't want an argument after every request. I also don't want to be yelled at. BY NO MEANS should I be yelled at. This has been happening when I get her in the car to go home from school. I handle it by telling her she does not yell at me, telling her why it is not ok to yell at me, and then telling her that we will not talk until she can calm down. I get a quick I'm sorry which I tell her I am tired of hearing that she is sorry and that she needs to prove it and then she pouts. By the way the last thing I need to hear is how this is a thing and that she will out grow it. I know she will out grow it and I know I did the same thing, BUT it is driving me CRAZY!

Thank goodness Grey's Anatomy is on tonight. If she will get in bed and stay in bed before 8:00 I will be able to watch it without interruptions. Record it you might say...well it conflicts with CSI and I am recording that because it is not shown again. Grey's Anatomy on the other hand repeats and will be recorded tomorrow night, but I am working tomorrow and some of the middle school studentstalk with me about the show and I don't want to hear about something I have not watched.

And another thing....I bring this on myself, but we need the money. I am working SO many days. It is like a full time job, but I am paid next to nothing. If I did not love the kids and the school it would not be worth all the headaches. But I do love the kids and the school. Also right now I am about the only substitute that is available to work. Plus I have this little feeling of guilt if a teacher asks for me by name I always take the job. If they take the time to ask for me then the least I can do is take their place for the day. I guess I am doing something right because I keep getting more jobs!

Well it is getting late...I have not eaten dinner...Marie is still up...Grey's starts in less than a half hour. Love to all.

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