Sunday, May 13, 2007

Question: Can you ever really finish the laundry?

Answer...No because there is always something hidden. Well Mother's day has got much better as the sun came up. Marie was awake watching me when I opened up my eyes. She was ready for me to open my other mother's day present. So I did. I got some really nice pairs of earrings. They were buy 1 get 1 free. Such a bargain shopper. We decided to go out for breakfast since she was feeling better. So off to Golden Corral for the all you can eat breakfast buffet.

Well it started off ok. We were eating and enjoying each others company. Then the itching started and I discovered that the rash was spreading. It was then on her cheek and neck. The rest of the meal was not as nice as the beginning because we rushed to finish so we could get home and get a bath and some more lotion on.

So we got home and put Roman out back for a little while. Today was the first day in I can't even tell you how long that it has not rained so we all went out back to pull a few weeds before Marie got in the shower. Well I decided to wash off the back porch while we were out there. With all the rain Roman has been using it as his potty. So I pulled the hose out and Marie got it in her mind that she wanted to get wet. So I sprayed her down and she ran around a little bit. It was nice to be outside and having a fun time while I sun was out. She kept screaming that she was having more fun that she had at her birthday party.

Note to self...skip all the planning, snowcone machine, slip and slide etc. and just pull out water hose.

So she got in the shower while I got to work cleaning the house. By the way by this time the rash has spread to her legs. I guess after work tomorrow we will be headed to the doctor.

I spent the rest of the day picking up and putting away and getting the house ready for an open house this Tuesday and then Sunday. I am really ready for the house to be sold. I know that in the right timing it will sell, but it is getting really stressful keeping this house up and running with all the stuff going on. I would just like for it to go under contract so that I can stop stressing over every last detail.

Anyway so I have been working on the dreaded laundry. I will honestly say that I never quite finish the laundry in one day. I don't know how two people can go through so many clothes, but it happens. There always seems to be something that needs cleaning. So I made it my goal today to get the laundry washed, dried, and at least folded. I was not sure if I would get it put away, but that can wait until tomorrow. So now at 11:55 pm I have fallen short of my goal. The last load is in the washer with one in the dryer. If I had not decided to wash my sheets tonight then I would be finishing up, but after having Marie in my bed last night I decided I wanted clean sheets.

So I was all proud of myself even putting the clothes off my back in the washer before running through the house to jump in the shower. I wanted everything to be washed. So I took my shower and got into some nice clean jammies. Then I went to put my bed back in order and needed to get my comforter that was still in the bathroom. You will never guess what was in the tub under the comforter?! The pants Marie was wearing last night when she had her accident.

So no you can never finish the laundry. It is seriously impossible.

Have a happy mother's day one and all. I am off to dry my hair. I am working in Kindergarten tomorrow so please pray for me. I NEVER agree to work in the lower grades unless they are desperate. Well they were desperate.

Oh and don't even begin to ask me what I found out is going on at Disney while we are there....Ugh....Yeah the washer just finished. Lets see if my towels are dry...Ahhhh the life....

Love to all....

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