Saturday, May 19, 2007

Talent Show!

Hello All...I just wanted to write a brief update on what is going on around here. Some of you already know the stress we have been enduring about the talent show, but for those of you who do not here is the story.

Marie decided she wanted to be in the talent show. She wanted to do her dance from Dallas Cowboy camp this past summer. Of course she does not remember most of the dance. I agree to learn it myself and then teach it to her. Well that lasted about a weekend. I learned the dance, but she was not in any mood to learn. She we gave that up and decided to learn a song. The song we picked out was Then He Kissed Me by the Crystals. The song can be seen at the beginning of the movie Adventures in Babysitting. Anyway so we go on a trek to learn this song in the three days before tryouts. Then the night before tryouts she decides that she does not want to tryout. Then the day of tryouts we go back and forth about wanting to and not wanting to tryout. By lunch time I have decided that she must try out.

Now let me give everyone reading this my reasons behind forcing her to tryout. At this point she is taking the easy way out. She pretty much knows the song and gets to try out using the song with the words. She is trying out in front of teachers that she already knows and feels comfortable with. So after some fighting she relents and decides what is really going to happen if she just tries. I also have to remind her that she might not even get asked to be in the talent show. You see there were about 60 people or so trying out and they try to only have about 35-40. So what really are her chances.

So she tries out. She does a great job and we move on. I know as a mother I should be saying I really hope she gets into the talent show, but deep down I just hope we can use this audition as a learning experience and move on and not have to go through this again. She has by this point informed me that even if she gets in she is not going to do the Talent Show. I agree because honestly I don't think she will get in. This is actually the first year they have even let kids in kindergarten try out.

Well guess what name is on the list?! She is the only person in kindergarten asked to be in the talent show. Everyone wants her to be in the show so I give it my best shot to convince her to be in it. I was fighting a loosing battle so I decide to have the girls at her gym work on her. I have to agree to take her, Talia, and Jasmine to lunch for a girls afternoon. Talia and Jasmine are two of her friends that are in 4th grade and both got into the talent show. I am good friends with both of their mothers.

So we have decided to be in the talent show and I thought things would settle down. Guess who was wrong?! She did not want to practice so again we went back and forth. It would have been easier at this point to just pull her out, but by now she wanted to be in the show.

Yesterday I was so proud of her. Other than having a break down in the morning because she did not want to tuck her shirt in we had a great morning. I was working at the school so I gave her a kiss and left her in her classroom. We were all packed into the cafeteria for the talent show. I was told that is was expected to run 2 1/2 hours and Marie was close to the end. I was of course worried about how the audience was going to be by the time she got up to perform.

They were great and she was great. She had a lot of support from all the kids in the school. She remembered the words and even when she messed up she just got back into the song and kept going. I don't think I breathed the entire time she was on stage and I honestly almost started crying. All the stress and problems that being in this talent show had caused literally melted away when I saw her up there. At no moment during her performance did she look nervous. She was just up there singing to her entire school and parents! I believe she was very proud of herself also.

So the day went along and I was stuck up in middle school with the wild kids for the day. I actually did not have any classes, but I had visitors stay with me during the elective times. During the second elective they called me down because Marie had flowers delivered. Luckily I had her favorite 8th grader with me and he and I went down to deliver her the flowers. Her daddy sent her some beautiful flowers. She was so happy to get them and even happier that Mr. JV brought them to her.

So we left school and headed out to her dance recital dress rehearsal. That went great also!
Well I must close now and add some pictures of our day. This last picture with the curly hair is from today. We are getting ready for the dance recital which will be at 7pm. I will attempt to blog about that tomorrow, but it might not happen for a few days. We have an open house tomorrow so I am taking her to see Shrek the Third in the theater while the open house is going on. Please pray that the house goes under contract soon. We are ready to get started on our move to Texas.

Love to all.

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